这些算法都是基于Ford-Fulkerson 方法,
Cap = 0;
while find Augmenting Path != NIL
Cap += decrease capacity of the Augmenting path
return Cap;
就是循环的寻找Augmenting Path(增广路径), 然后再在图上的边的Capacity(容量)上减去这个值, 这样一直找, 知道找不到增广路径位置。
首先是一个基于BFS(广度有限搜索)的算法, 名字叫做: Edwinds-Karp alg:
#include <vector> #include <unordered_set> #include <queue> #include <cmath> #include <climits> #include <cstring> using namespace std; vector< vector<int> > matrix; vector< vector<int> > capacity; int bfs(int source, int size, int sink) { queue<int> q; q.push(source); int from[size]; bool visited[size]; memset(from, -1, sizeof(from)); memset(visited, false, sizeof(visited)); visited[source] = true; // use bfs find the route to the sink. while(!q.empty()) { bool found_sink = false; int where = q.front(); q.pop(); // for each vertex next adjancent to where. for (auto next = matrix[where].begin(); next != matrix[where].end(); next++) { int val = *next; if (visited[val] == true) continue; if (capacity[where][val] > 0) { q.push(val); visited[val] = true; from[val] = where; if (val == sink) { found_sink = true; break; } } } if (found_sink) break; } // then compute the path capacity. // Find the critical path from the sink back to source. // find the minimal path capacity of the path. int where = sink, prev, path_cap = INT_MAX; while (from[where] > -1) { prev = from[where]; path_cap = min(path_cap, capacity[prev][where]); where = prev; } // then update the residual network, if no path is found the while loop will not be enter. // Then - augment. where = sink; while (from[where] > -1) { prev = from[where]; capacity[prev][where] -= path_cap; capacity[where][prev] += path_cap; where = prev; } // if no path is found, path_cap is infinity. // and return the augmenting capacity. if (path_cap == INT_MAX) return 0; else return path_cap; } int max_flow() { int result = 0, path_cap ; while (true) { path_cap = bfs(1, 8, 7); if (path_cap == 0) break; else result += path_cap; } return result; }
BFS 里面的循环基本就是一个标准的BFS遍历方法, 检测条件的时候增加了一个路径的Capacity(容量)必须大于0, 这样就不会找到已经满了路径了。顺着source一直走到sink以后, 记录下路径。
然后通过sink反着找到Capacity最小的一条边, 记录这个值。
最后在路径上对于正方向, 减去这个指, 对于反方向, 增加这个值。并且返回这个数值。
这个实现的算法复杂度是O(VE²), 因为BFS的负责读是O(E), 而其他每一次找增广路径的计算的复杂度是O(V)。