How to Use Office Communicator under Ubuntu

This artical is a description for how to enable "Windows Office Communicator" under ubuntu. These was some link have a description about this, like:

But it was out of date, can not success by following it.

Here is a detail operation:

  1. Add these lines to /etc/apt/sources.list:
    deb jaunty main
    deb-src jaunty main
  2. gpg -–keyserver -–recv BE79FA4B705B7C1
  3. gpg -–export --armor BE79FA4B705B7C1 | sudo apt-key add -
  4. apt-get update
  5. sudo apt-get install --reinstall pidgin pidgin-sipe
  6. if you failed with --resintall, please use this:
  7. sudo apt-get install pidgin pidgin-sipe

The create an account in your pindin account, the protocol please choose "Office Communicator".

If you meet some connection error after setup, please check your proxy setting in your account, maybe you need choose "No Proxy".