python's language success

Today i finish Learning Python, I think next step is Programming Python or Python manual, Python's success mostly is attributed to it's smart core and Introspection .

What is introspection ?

Everything is object, manipulate in unique way, Python know what it is, using a few set of build-in functions , such as type, str , dir , getattr.

By keeping a tiny core, enclose everything else into module, leading Python a very healthy language, unlike the big , complex beast language (eg, Perl)

Why smart ?

  • for loop is so smart , look this code ,

    methodList = [method for method in dir(object) if callable(getattr(object, method))]

#a list generator

  • and or , and or is very useful condition judgment, like a Bash syntax .
  • 3 mainly data structure was selected, covered most of area of a language should be .